One doesn't need to dig very deep to find evidence of the Agency's
against mankind. I would have made that statement specific to
American's, but if you have done any research, you would know they have
no regard for ANY human life. Visiting their site today, I noticed they
have enormous pictures of cute dogs on their site. That isn't going to
cut it.
There is no way to put a pretty face on the things the Agency
does. As a researcher and writer of articles published here on FB, I
like to occasionally write about them. The truth is, it's a full time
job writing about them. There is so much information that they release
about themselves, let alone the information that resources like
Wikileaks releases.I could focus my writing on them and nothing else.
Yes. The CIA developed code to spy on American's through their
appliances. I have come to the belief that it is a prerequisite if you
want to join their ranks to be devoid of any morality. The depths of
their depravity has no end. Do not put ANYTHING past them. I mean
literally anything. There are no well meant intentions in their bag of
dirty tricks.
If this were some innocuous organization, reform
might be an option. However, as a whole, these criminals and their
associates should be chained to the bottom of the deepest ocean. There
is no help for these animals. Put them down and do the world a great