Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) is a local government First Responder who acts as the eyes and ears of the Department of Homeland Security through FUSION Centers or other data collection and processing hubs. These data centers are the place where other entities loosely attached to local law enforcement operate behind the scenes.

According to the TLO Course Outline:

"The Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) is designed to be a nationally interconnected program of designated law enforcement officers, firefighters, military, and other first responders that attend an approved and accredited course of instruction. This shared learning experience prepares the TLOs to fill a specific role within their organization as a link or “liaison.”

The outline goes onto to state: 

“...utilize the Terrorism Liaison Officer (TLO) Program to foster communication and collaboration among the fire service; law enforcement; the federal homeland security and intelligence communities and public safety stakeholders. The TLOs serve as the conduit through which homeland security and crime-related information flows from the field to the Fusion Center for assessment and analysis." 

To sum it up, local first responders work directly with DHS components, and, by proxy, the military, including the intelligence community (CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, DARPA, et al.), in order to share information on criminal activity. Criminal activity.
As I am writing this post, several questions come to mind. Should the reader feel they have the answers to my inquiries, please enlighten me.

  1. The attacks on 9-11 spurred a frenzy of freedom crushing laws and policies that were supposed to target terrorists. When did the focus change to ANY crime committed?
  2. Why is the government using military and intelligence resources to fight common crime?
  3. Why are laws designed to prevent the use of military forces on the people being disregarded?

Part of the answer lies in the numerous false flag operations that have occurred since shortly before 9-11. The desired result of those operations was to create fear and division. Fear so we won't question the use of the military against us and division to keep us from rising against the government. The false flags and other misleading activities such as state sponsored propaganda, have steered this country and its people to our current situation. Looking back and comparing where we were to where we are, a distinct picture emerges of a progression towards a society where the government uses the full force of the military and police on the citizens in order to further its own agenda.

I love my country. My corrupt government is an embarrassment. In its death throes, it intends to squeeze every penny from us through criminal enterprises. The military is now free to do as it please and it does. They are secretly hoarding new technology which is unregulated. Much of this technology has been weaponized and being deployed against the people covertly. 

Saturday, December 30, 2017


The featured article, from ABC News, correctly points out that career politicians and bureaucrats are attempting to derail President Trump's agenda. In addition it states these factions within the government are also affecting policy. In this way, they hope to preserve the corrupt system. 

To be perfectly clear, there is a cabal within the government that supports corporate and big money interests. In return, they receive financial gain, favors and other benefits. It is a system of pay to play, one hand washes the other, and attempting to please the people who pay for treachery.

The important thing to remember is, these people are traitors. Their treason is why we are living in a police state. The underhanded things they do directly affect the republic and the lives of all of us. If there isn't an alert sent to the majority of the people of this country, we will be a democracy no more.

The liberal far left is playing a big part in this situation. They are being used. Emotional issues are put into play in order to divide the country. The issues are being spoon fed to us in conjunction with false false operations in order to distract us from the real enemy, our government. While we fight among each other, they continue with their agenda.

Do not be distracted. Keep your eye on the ball. That is, the manipulation of media, events, and social discourse with the sole purpose of hiding their actions. However, there are many other manipulations to be aware of. The control of technology has long been a tool to keep us from realizing our true potential as a country and a people. Alternative energy solutions that could free us from energy monopolies have been kept from us. The inventors of these technologies have been subjected to targeting by the Deep State and, in some cases, killed. Killing people to further their agenda is not above these people. JFK for example.

Every American needs to know the full extent of the agenda being carried out by the Deep State. It involves nothing less than our (further) enslavement. This is a tale for another article however. 

As Targeted Individuals, we are too focused on our own discomfort and plight to see that we too are being distracted. Why are we being targeted? Because we fit a profile. The profile is of people who, because of our opinions, thinking, and lifestyle, are outside of the Deep State's influence. We don't glue ourselves to the TV. We don't believe everything the government tells us. We aren't swayed by opinion, we consider facts. We are targeted because we are not cows who will be led to the slaughter without objecting strongly.

This article is valuable because it comes from a major news outlet. Reliable in the eyes of the sleeping public. To us it should be treated as a tool. A tool to wake up masses of people who will awake to enslavement of a different kind if we don't do something about it. We are the Paul Reveres of the 21st Century. Let's sound the alarm.

The Deep State is coming!!!


In my efforts to expose the Deep States agenda to kill as many of us as possible I have endeavored to publish their own documents which expose their agenda. Essentially, they commit suicide through mistakes. In no uncertain terms, they have published everything a target needs to prove they are imbecilic psychopaths. If you chip away at an iceberg with a spoon, eventually, it will cease to exist. In this case, we have many thousands of spoons.

As much as possible, I am committed to publishing new discoveries from the archives of our government. These discoveries are the culmination of hours of research. I would ask that like minded individuals also dig through various archives in search of the gems which the release of new disclosures bestows upon us. While we are hungry and tortured, they are fat and lazy. They are too concerned about filling their bank accounts to do their jobs properly. They make mistakes. Big ones. 

However, the Deep State covers its mistakes by maiming and killing those who find them. Alas, such is the fate of the foes of the Deep State. But it is satisfying work to dismay the slaves of the government. I once read how they all ingratiate themselves with their superiors. Brown-nosers to the last man. They just want to be noticed for everything they do facilitate a promotion or more money. Possibly a pat on the head. Rest in assurance that such subservience is a kind of death. At the very least, death of their self respect.

Scalar energy weapons do exist. They are being used against the citizens of the world. The secrecy that surrounds any technology that can be weaponized is predictable. As with most technology, there are beneficial uses outside of destroying people. However, the Military Industrial Complex only sees money. 

Zero-Point Energy is a technology that could free the world from dependence on oil. It is clean, so no global warming concerns. Yet it has been concealed from the world for more than 100 years. Any attempts to patent it have been met with the full power of the Deep State. The are currently well over 5,300 patents classified as secret citing National Security concerns. The truth is this technology is kept from the people of the world in order to keep the current power structure (oil) exactly the way it is.

In its efforts to keep technologies that would benefit mankind secret, the Deep State has killed, discredited, and maligned thousands. Their intentions and their actions belie their cover story. It is not we who are the object to be defended, rather it is their organization. I would propose that the fruits of their dubious labor will backfire as the people they care for suffer the consequences. That is not the case, however. For psychopaths and narcissists care only for themselves. There are no people they care for. They have no country men. They have no family. They have no friends.

These documents I present are for the purpose of clarification. There are many who would debunk claims of the use of scalar energy as not being practical, realistic or even existent. These documents originate from the archives of the Central Intelligence Agency. Do we trust them with secret weapons technology? If you are a Target, the answer is clearly no.…/do…/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3.pdf…/do…/cia-rdp96-00792r000500240008-9.pdf…/do…/cia-rdp96-00788r001900680014-4.pdf…/do…/CIA-RDP86-00513R000826420020-7.pdf

Friday, December 29, 2017


No, I am not religious. However, there are people in this world that rise to the level of sainthood. Dr. Robert Duncan (referred to as Duncan moving forward) is one of these. Duncan is an ex-CIA engineer who worked on various Deep Black projects. When he learned the programs he was working on were being used against innocent people he turned whistle-blower. 

As one might expect, the Deep State has tried to discredit him. You will find that these attacks designed to impune his integrity are as typically baseless as those used against us. That is, there is no evidence for them. The objective is the creation of doubt. Doubt is enough to deter some from belief in his motives and the veracity of his claims. His efforts to expose the programs which target us speak for themselves. In particular, his books very much cut to the core of who is behind the torture of countless people worldwide and the technology used to accomplish it.

As these programs expand to include more and more of the population, the efforts to keep them secret becomes more implausible. Therefore, there is a time limit on the secrecy. More pertinent and immediate issues will distract the population from the shock of any exposure or awareness of the targeting of the common citizen. A False Flag of global proportions will ensue. You can sense the circling of the wagons, the global preparedness of... something... just below the surface.

Duncan is a brilliant person with multiple Masters Degrees. If you attempt to read his writings, be prepared for a lesson in physics, neurology, psychology, the politics of the Deep state, and many other subjects. He pulls no punches and in no uncertain terms lays out the suppressed technology being used against us. Of all the whistle-blowers who have come out to join the effort to expose what the governments of the world are doing, he is the crown jewel. Do not be fooled into turning your back on this man. Doing so is a grave mistake.

We need Duncan and many more like him. He would not be silenced. He risks everything to help us. If those in the government and society who silently object to the horrors now being conducted against humans of every race and culture had the courage of this man, we would be free. For it takes a hero to sacrifice himself to save the masses. To risk the death of his family to save everyone else's. To see beyond his loss and understand it is everyone's welfare at stake. It is a deeply personal decision which rends the soul. For he is not only gambling with his life, but that of everyone he cares about. It is a decision many targets are put in the unfortunate position to make as well.

What follows is a compilation of links for your edification. Understand, this material came at a cost. Blood, pain, agony. This is the price of our freedom. This is the cost of educating those who do not wish to know. Let's support our true patriots, the people who give their lives and the lives of their family to end torture and murder.


Page to market the book. It contains information about Duncan and links to other information.


Nice article with a link to a video with William Binney and Duncan!

By Steve DiBasio

Robert Duncan is a scientist with multiple degrees from Dartmouth College and Harvard University in Applied Sciences (e.g., artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and robotics) and Business. He has worked on projects for the CIA, Department of Defense, and Department of Justice. In 2004 he testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Judiciary Committee, and 23 members of Congress regarding non-consensual experimentation on American citizens.

In 2010 he authored, in partnership with an anonymous consortium of scientists calling themselves the “Mind Hacking Strategy Group,” a book entitled Project: Soul Catcher, Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed.  He has appeared on the radio show Coast To Coast and was interviewed by Jesse Ventura for the “Brain Invaders” episode of the television program Conspiracy Theory. [1]

I cited Duncan’s work in an article I wrote for Veterans Today and Nexus Magazine called “Mind Control In The 21st Century” (Part I and Part II). Recently I had the opportunity to speak with him.

In the interview posted below we discuss, among other topics, remote “mind reading,” CIA hive mind experimentation (multiple people sharing the same mental “space”), how people can be targeted and tracked remotely via their energy signature or “brain print,” the existence and use of a technology for remotely “cloning” or “copying” thoughts, emotions and other states (including intense pain) onto a target, [2] and how a weapons system capable of totalitarian control has been developed (with non-consensual and often-times brutal experimentation on civilians ongoing).

Duncan also reveals that many people are now in wireless mental contact with artificial intelligence run on supercomputers.

It is worth noting that current research projects, according to Duncan, have targeted people from all walks of life, not merely (or mainly) the “downtrodden,” as was done in the past.

Some of these targets are threatened with harm to themselves or family members if they do not carry out the instructions of their “handler,” or are promised release from their tortures if they perform some action. [3]

For example, Myron May, the Florida State University shooter, a former assistant district attorney, posted on Facebook before the shooting:

Has anyone been asked to kill promise of freedom

Duncan, who has interviewed many targets, has said that he immediately recognized the “torture script” used on May after listening to a recording in which May discusses his ordeal.

Perhaps most frightening is Duncan’s contention that the scalability of this technology is being tested: “…[A] lot of people won’t believe me and that’s fine. But they’re increasing this. They are scaling this technology to the entire population.

[1] A partial summary history of his work (classification prevents full disclosure) includes: Tank recognition from satellites, submarine signature recognition from acoustic underwater phased arrays, stock market statistical arbitrage, voice and vascular signature recognition, truth detection systems, robotic surgery in medicine, EEG controlled robots, and “brain print” recognition.

[2] The technology is called “EEG Cloning” or “EEG Heterodyning.” The brain patterns (electromagnetic signals) “cloned” onto the target may be catalogued brain patterns stored in computers, though live signals from a “real person’s” brain could also be transmitted to the target.

[3] The handler communicates with the target through a technology for transmitting voices into people’s heads which goes by many names, including “voice to skull,” synthetic telepathy,” “microwave hearing,” and the “Frey effect.” The communication may also be accomplished via EEG heterodyning, which involves “re-mapping the auditory cortex of the human brain.”  Other technologies for transmitting voices include “ultrasonic heterodyning” and bone conduction techniques.


This post was magically deleted. I was able to retrieve it from a Google cached version. It is a short blurb with a link to a YouTube video with Duncan. 

The video below features a keynote by Dr. Robert Duncan regarding what can only be described as our coming hive mind control grid. He isn’t just talking about advances in transhumanism, the singularity, or artificial intelligence. He’s talking about how to control the minds of everyone on the planet and evolving humanity in a technological sense… whether they like it or not.

Duncan professes with shame that he worked on “Voice of God” weapons for the US Department of Defense, weapons which can make people think they are hearing voices in their heads in an attempt to control them. He says such weapons were tested back during Desert Storm and were quite effective at getting Iraqi soldiers to lay down arms without a shot fired.

"And that’s just what they had 20+ years ago. Can you imagine what they’re working on today?"

Duncan also touches on Project Blue Beam, remote neural monitoring, smart dust, and electronic telepathy technology which uses extremely low frequency waves.

Despite attempting multiple times to put a “positive spin” on this information as he nervously delivers it, what this man is saying really can’t be spun in a positive way, not with these kinds of technology in the hands of the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower once gravely warned us about. Duncan notes scientists  

“are brainwashed into believing that everything we are doing is of benefit to mankind, but look who pays our bills? The military. It’s all for war, it’s all for control, for government control…”

If even 20% of what this guy has to say is true… Just… you’ve got to see this for yourself.


I recently visited the UN Sustainable Development website and noticed big changes. They are filling in the blanks. No, they still aren't discussing it, but may be doing so soon. Essentially, this is a massive land grab under the guise of Global Warming and a return of the land back to nature. It usually starts with rezoning areas near wetlands and other protected areas which are being expanded.

When this starts to be implemented, people living in the suburbs will be the first to be pushed out. They will take your land. You will not receive a penny for it. This is happening in California right now. Check this out:

This is the tip of the Iceberg and it's headed our way. The democrats are constantly making a grab for guns. If they are successful, there will be no defense against taking everything you have. There will be no way to take back the government. The corrupt politicians and big money win. Period. 

Mass incarcerations, mass relocations, and mass exterminations are all a part of this. Educate yourself, then educate everyone else. We are running out of time.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


Many of my fellow TIs tend to engage in following the path of supernatural explanations and theories for the torture we experience. I have always maintained it is better to stay based in reality and science for answers. 

If someone releases an odorless, invisible gas into the air near you that then causes you to experience hallucinations, there are several ways to approach the search for causation. One is a scientific approach. You assume nothing and question everything then use what can be explained, disregarding what cannot. You eliminate food and drink as the culprits. You then move to the next likely possibility, the air you breathe. While you may or may not have the ability to analyze the air, you consider it a possibility. While you may not arrive at a conclusive answer, you have a reality-based source which, with the right equipment, be tested. Past uses of gases can be researched as proof the gas exists and has been used.

Another approach is examine non-scientific sources. These are endless and there is no test to rule them out. They are also likely to be discarded by most people in society. Some of these explanations include: God, aliens, magic, earth spirits, inter-dimensional beings, demons, angels, secret societies, ghosts, monsters, and others. The downside of these belief systems is the cannot be verified. They require a huge leap in faith for other members in society to believe. Taking this to government officials will likely lead to a stay in a mental institution. 

The path you choose is your own. However, do not be fooled into believing that it doesn't affect anyone else. As TIs we are viewed by the public as insane regardless of the scientific facts and past abuses by governments, groups, and individuals. Disinformation and propaganda are being used to reinforce the insanity stigma. If fully one third of us are claiming they are being tortured by ghosts and aliens, what effect does this have on the 70% of us that are attempting to expose the reality-based sources of our torture?

The answer is that the organized disinformation army will always point to those claiming fantastic sources as indicative of our entire population. In the final analysis, these claims injure any attempts to bring attention and exposure for these very real crimes. While we cannot eliminate those who will believe in the supernatural or the paid disinformation actors, I feel we need to minimize their effects. We need a galvanizing plan to move those willing to listen to reason to see the benefits of reality-based, scientific and evidentiary claims. This moves our cause forward.

Failure to streamline our demographic into acceptability in the eyes of public opinion will relegate us to the category of urban myth and worse yet, the appearance we are a large group of insane people.

The featured article entitled "The Octopus" details some of the operations that fund the torture we experience. David Guayatt states:

"An introduction to the involvement of senior US politicians, bureaucrats and the CIA in globalized criminal activities, the investigation of which cost investigative reported Danny Casolaro his life."


Mark Gorton is a former Martin Marietta (now Lockheed Martin) electronic engineer who studied at Yale, Stanford and Harvard Universities. He is the founder of the Lime group of companies. Mark took an interest in the assassination of JFK and quickly became an active researcher in the area of the Deep State. On the 50th anniversary of the assassination, he sent the culmination of his research, entitled :Document: 50 Years of the Deep State", to his employees at Tower Research Capitol. This article links to that document.

Gorton lays out the growth of the Deep State from the murder of JFK. He states the people that came together to kill the President didn't disband after the killing. They stayed together because of the need to continue to cover-up the crime, which led to more crimes. The author goes onto lay out an incredible account of the rise of the cabal and the crimes they have committed and will commit. I urge you to read this document.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


If you are a paid government troll, you can move on. This post is fully cited and based entirely on facts. This directly contrasts your tactics of not supplying any facts or common sense. 

For the rest of you, read on! Thanks again to Edward Snowden for releasing the documents that prove the United States government pays people to troll social media. They do this to attempt to keep the various narratives they put out from exploding in their faces. Apparently, they fear us. They fear us because WWIII is already underway. It is a war of information we are currently losing. 

As the Deep State controls most of media they are able to affect the opinion of the bulk of the population. We are the last line of defense. The tools they use to minimize the effect we can have are many. Rather than enumerating all of the things they do to prevent us from realizing our goals, I will let the featured article speak for itself. 

Just understand we can all make a difference. Keep spreading the news. Use facts from credible sources and don’t let anyone discredit you or your sources . In the Information War we are fighting, truth is the enemy of our enemy. The enemy of our enemy is our ally.

Thursday, December 21, 2017



I posted on this topic earlier this year. You can find that post here:

The summary of the post is that DARPA is working with Arizona University with the objective of

 ”...selectively alter aspects of narrative structure and brain functions via Transcranial Magnetic Simulation (TMS) to induce or disrupt selected features of narrative processing.”

"TMS is a very powerful tool used to impair the brain functioning of individuals."

“TMS can essentially turn-off parts of the brain making it possible to change a person's beliefs, delete memories, and remove their ability to communicate ideas, or express themselves. It can also be used to make them do things they normally wouldn't.”

In 2008, the FDA has approved the use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for the treatment of depression. Dr. Mark George is a researcher working with TMS to explore its capabilities. In the following videos, you can see the effects of TMS as well as learn more about its legitimate uses.

Dr. Mark George speaks about his research:

Dr. Mark George demonstrates TMS:

Dr. Mark George talks about Brain Stimulation Lab:

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) ad Magnetic Fields are essentially the same thing. They are both forms of electromagnetic radiation and can be found in the electromagnetic spectrum. You will also find lasers in the electromagnetic spectrum. Lasers and radar could be considered sources of EMF and as such could be used to remotely subject a person to TMS without their consent.

I learned that there are certain groups and academic institutions that are working with TMS. 

  • NIMH – The National Institute of Mental Health
  • NINDS – The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
  • NIDA – National Institute on Drug Abuse
  • NASA – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Agency
  • DOD – Department of Defense
  • VA – Veterans Administration

In my state at the academic level, Penn State University is conducting research on TMS. Check your state academic institutions to see which ones are involved in this research. Understand they are likely working with one the national agencies involved in military and intelligence applications of this technology. There is also a chance they are doing research on TMS as a treatment for depression.


  • BrainSway
  • Cadwell
  • Cortex
  • Cyberonics
  • Dantec
  • Darpharma
  • Glaxo Smith Kline
  • Jazz
  • MagStim
  • Meditronic
  • Neostim
  • Neosync
  • Neuronetics
  • Neotonus
  • St. Jude Medical
  • Institute for Non-Lethal Defense Technologies
  • Applied Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University

I intend to update this list with more specific information about  what type of products and services these companies are developing in relation to TMS in the near future. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


As we are ridiculed everyday by both the establishment and society for the claims about the existence of similar technology, this will come as no surprise. Suffice to say, in the past 48 years the agency has advanced this science to an art. They are now using radar and various Magnetic Resonance technologies in conjunction with circularly filtered lasers to accomplish Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM). 

Finding this document in their archives is a both anti-climatic and surprising. It is smoking gun which gives Targets a platform to work from. This is tantamount to proving the existence of this technology and points the way to others. The document shows that the human body gives off weak electromagnetic signals which can be received and translated into actionable data. 
Logically, the next step is to do the same with signals emitted by the human brain. While the memo for the CIA Deputy Director of R&D states: "The traditional assumption that it is impossible to measure emanations of the brain waves remotely, would seem still scientifically prudent.", every target knows that this has been applied to the brain. The document is redacted. Several doctor's names have been omitted. I would suggest that one them may be that of Dr. Jose Delgado.…/docume…/cia-rdp79b00314a000700060002-7

Is it a surprise that the single most distrusted agency in the world would want the ability to surveil people's vitals and brain activity? Their work on MKULTRA answers that question sufficiently.

Friday, December 8, 2017



Today the word conspiracy has attained an unofficial yet persistent meaning associated with those who are mentally ill. However the definition of the word is:

"a secret plan made by two or more people to do something bad, illegal, or against someone’s wishes"
Cambridge University Press 2017

It seems there is some effort to remove the actual meaning of the word and replace it with one which is a denial of the existence of conspiracies. With this blog, I would like to dispel the connotation that conspiracies are only the ramblings of the insane. In truth and in fact, conspiracies are the building blocks of today's world. 

The attempts to squelch any hint of true conspiracies belies the fact that there are laws by which to prosecute them. 

An agreement between two or more people to commit an illegal act, along with an intent to achieve the agreement's goal.  Most U.S. jurisdictions also require an overt act toward furthering the agreement.  An overt act is a statutory requirement, not a constitutional one. See Whitfield v. United States, 453 U.S. 209 (2005). The illegal act is the conspiracy's "target offense."
The Legal Information Institute

 Conspiracy is a fact of life and occurs every day. In the case Krulewitch v. United States:

Brief Fact Summary. A federal district court indictment charged in three counts that the Petitioner, Krulewitch (Petitioner) and a woman defendant had (1) induced and persuaded another woman to go on October 20, 1941, from New York City to Miami, Florida, for the purpose of prostitution; (2) transported or caused her to be transported from New York to Miami for that purpose and (3) conspired to commit those offenses. Tried alone, the Petitioner was convicted on all three counts of the indictment. The Court of Appeals affirmed.

Other cases of conspiracy include:

Zacarias Moussaoui pleaded guilty to conspiracy in connection with the Sept. 11 attacks. Jose Padilla the Brooklyn-born convert to Islam whom the government once accused of plotting to detonate a “dirty bomb” in the United States, was sentenced to 17 years and 4 months in prison for his role in a conspiracy to help Islamic jihadist fighters abroad. Richard “Dickie” Scruggs, the legendary trial lawyer who made Big Business tremble every time he set foot in court, pleaded guilty to conspiring to bribe a judge. 

Alok Kailashnath Jaiswal, 32, of Azangarh, India, and Rahil Parvez Mir, 25, of Mumbai, India made cold calls to the United States for the purpose of selling versions of pharmaceutical drugs illegal in the United States, including controlled substances, were sentenced in the United States District Court in Abingdon to federal conspiracy charges.

Clearly, conspiracies are common place in the courts. This flies in the face of new definition of the word. Since we know conspiracies are commonplace and are litigated frequently, why are they considered theories? It may be due to the lack of knowledge the average person has about the reality of conspiracies. It is my goal to educate everyone in that case.


This blog is designed to explore conspiracies. I will supply the best sources for conspiracy claims I make. In most cases they will be government documents, scientific or medical journals. I welcome intellectual discussions of any claims I put forth. On the other hand, I will delete ad hominem attacks and other arguments that lack any supporting information and rely solely on nonsense. 

My reasons for creating this blog are exclusively based on my life. I live a conspiracy theory every day. The details of my experience will be rolled out in the pages of this blog one article at a time. If your life places you in the middle of a conspiracy that you never wanted to be a part of, read on. We may have something in common.