Saturday, December 30, 2017


In my efforts to expose the Deep States agenda to kill as many of us as possible I have endeavored to publish their own documents which expose their agenda. Essentially, they commit suicide through mistakes. In no uncertain terms, they have published everything a target needs to prove they are imbecilic psychopaths. If you chip away at an iceberg with a spoon, eventually, it will cease to exist. In this case, we have many thousands of spoons.

As much as possible, I am committed to publishing new discoveries from the archives of our government. These discoveries are the culmination of hours of research. I would ask that like minded individuals also dig through various archives in search of the gems which the release of new disclosures bestows upon us. While we are hungry and tortured, they are fat and lazy. They are too concerned about filling their bank accounts to do their jobs properly. They make mistakes. Big ones. 

However, the Deep State covers its mistakes by maiming and killing those who find them. Alas, such is the fate of the foes of the Deep State. But it is satisfying work to dismay the slaves of the government. I once read how they all ingratiate themselves with their superiors. Brown-nosers to the last man. They just want to be noticed for everything they do facilitate a promotion or more money. Possibly a pat on the head. Rest in assurance that such subservience is a kind of death. At the very least, death of their self respect.

Scalar energy weapons do exist. They are being used against the citizens of the world. The secrecy that surrounds any technology that can be weaponized is predictable. As with most technology, there are beneficial uses outside of destroying people. However, the Military Industrial Complex only sees money. 

Zero-Point Energy is a technology that could free the world from dependence on oil. It is clean, so no global warming concerns. Yet it has been concealed from the world for more than 100 years. Any attempts to patent it have been met with the full power of the Deep State. The are currently well over 5,300 patents classified as secret citing National Security concerns. The truth is this technology is kept from the people of the world in order to keep the current power structure (oil) exactly the way it is.

In its efforts to keep technologies that would benefit mankind secret, the Deep State has killed, discredited, and maligned thousands. Their intentions and their actions belie their cover story. It is not we who are the object to be defended, rather it is their organization. I would propose that the fruits of their dubious labor will backfire as the people they care for suffer the consequences. That is not the case, however. For psychopaths and narcissists care only for themselves. There are no people they care for. They have no country men. They have no family. They have no friends.

These documents I present are for the purpose of clarification. There are many who would debunk claims of the use of scalar energy as not being practical, realistic or even existent. These documents originate from the archives of the Central Intelligence Agency. Do we trust them with secret weapons technology? If you are a Target, the answer is clearly no.…/do…/CIA-RDP96-00788R001900680015-3.pdf…/do…/cia-rdp96-00792r000500240008-9.pdf…/do…/cia-rdp96-00788r001900680014-4.pdf…/do…/CIA-RDP86-00513R000826420020-7.pdf

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